The new product catalogue is here.

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We have been made aware of an e-commerce website that is claiming to be us, Saneux (EU) Ltd.

Our only live websites that are registered to us are saneux.com which is an online catalogue and not an e-commerce website, and spares.saneux.com which is an e-commerce website to purchase spare parts for Saneux products. Any other website or e-commerce website that claims to be Saneux and sell our products are not associated with us in any way.

Purchases that are made through an e-commerce website impersonating Saneux will result in disappointment. It is highly likely you will not receive the items ordered.

If you come across a website other than saneux.com or spares.saneux.com that claims to be Saneux and it has not been promoted or communicated through us directly, please inform us immediately by emailing enquiries@saneux.com.

We have also been made aware of an email address which is claiming to be us that is associated with the fraudulent website. Our only email addresses have the domain “@saneux.com”. Any email addresses that do not have this domain but claim to be us are not from us.

Our only contact information are as follows:

Main website: saneux.com
Spares website: spares.saneux.com
Email domain: @saneux.com
Telephone number: 02086865100
Social media: LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | YouTube