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There seems to be a controversial element to bathroom interiors when it comes to freestanding baths. Everyone seems to think of them as “statement” bathroom furniture and yet again it’s a rare occasion for the regular customer to choose one. This is why we’ve gathered 4 reasons to consider on why you should choose a freestanding bath!


One might say that in contemporary interior design, the freestanding bath has fallen victim of the stereotype that it is only an option in a spacious bathroom. Even though a large freestanding bath can add to the luxurious aspect of an open bathroom, freestanding baths do come in different sizes and shapes. You could choose from a variety of large to compact sizes to fit your space.


What the freestanding bath has surely been famous of though is their diverse style. It can add a touch of luxury and sophistication to any bathroom and you’ll be surprised on the selection of vintage and contemporary designs available on the market.


Another advantage is that a freestanding bath as implied by its name has naturally more possibilities when it comes to positioning. Unlike the standard built- in bath that is usually fitted next to a wall, freestanding baths don’t necessarily need to be attached to anything and can be placed almost anywhere around the room.

Unlike the standard built- in bath that is usually fitted next to a wall, freestanding baths don’t necessarily need to be attached to anything and can be placed almost anywhere around the room.


Considering that the freestanding bath does not need to be attached to the wall, its free surrounding space provides easier access. For this reason, it can prove very practical and efficient within a family home.


If you are interested in having a freestanding bath in your bathroom, click here to check out our website to look through a selection of freestanding baths and find the one that’s right for you.